Thursday, June 18, 2020

Benefits and Problems of Technology - 550 Words

Benefits and problems of technology and new technologies (Essay Sample) Content: Benefits and problems of technology and new technologies Insert name:Institutional affiliation:Due date:Technology has imparted positive contributions in the society and its surroundings in several ways. First, new technology has greatly benefited the healthcare sector. Medical research has helped to prevent many diseases and illnesses. Technology has enabled discovery of several medications and drugs which have assisted to prevent many disorders and ailments. The costs of medical operations and procedures have drastically reduced due to the advancement of technology. Secondly, the benefits of technology in education sector have created new learning opportunities. Students can easily learn with the support of internet technology, and it is now easier to assist learners with special needs. E-learning, distance learning and online education are new opportunities that are recently created by technological development. Adopting technology and computers in classrooms have developed new ways of teaching and efficient learning. Thirdly, communication industry has experienced great development. The world has opened up and even people, who live in the remote ease, can communicate with ease because of the development of Social networking, mass media and blogging. Fourth, businesses are making more profits with the assistance of different advanced equipment and machines. Consequently, this has enabled development of more advanced economies and has improved standard of living. Technology has been and continues to be good and helpful for mankind. The existence of technology came when natural resources were utilized as simple tools. Since then, technology continues to advancing. There are many countless things that technology has enabled mankind to achieve. Technology has changed human life completely. Technology has reached and transformed every field and has reached everywhere across the world. Technology is firmly contributing to the lives of every perso n in the world. It has made human life more convenient. Today, everything that human beings do, they cannot do without technology. Technological development has enabled countries become wealthier and stronger. People can only prosper and be self-sufficient only with technological adoption and development. Every country is getting ways to become prosperous and self-sufficient. Technology has contributed many benefits and has provided helpful deeds for mankind. Despite the significance of technological benefits, technology has negative effects on individuals, families and the wider society. Indirect or direct use of technology has led to increase of several evils such as corruption, ecological imbalance, reduced life expectancy, hatred, wars, crime and frequent natural disasters in the society. Demands of the present technologies and new technologies have put pressure on the natural resources on earth. Human population continues increasing daily, and demands of human consumption a re high. Scientific technologies exploit natural resources in order to meet the demands of human consumptions. This has led to resource depletion that might cause problems in the future economy and generation. Technology has improved human life. Many people live longer due to enhanced heath facilities and development in medical research has helped to solve many health problems. Developed countries have benefited from these and consequently have controlled population growth using advanced birth control techniques. However, developing countries are experiencing many problems because of increased population, which has ...

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