Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Child Development Is The Emotional, Psychological And...

Introduction Child development is the emotional, psychological and biological changes that occur in human being. These changes begin once the child is born and progress through the adolescent stage. the changes are usually predictable however they are usually unique to every child and the rate of progression as well differs from one child to another. The changes in development may be influenced by prenatal life events and to some extent by genetic factors (Lillard et al., 2013). It is important to note that child development is categorized into different periods, since each development period has some individual differences. Case study: Tom According to case study conducted about a child by the name Tom, it was noted that child development has certain stages. Tom was growing emotionally, mentally and physically as a child of his age. According to his mother, Tom was born on May eighth in 2010 by cesarean section after a normal pregnancy failed. At birth he weighed nine pounds six ounces and he was twenty-four inches long in measurement. Upon interviewing her mother, it was noted that Tom was not breast fed instead she chose to give him formula. Tom hit all important development stages according to his mother. As Tom progressed from toddler to preschooler, he was active and could play with toys and other children. According to neighbor A, Tom was brighter than other children; his mother suggested that most of his growth was occurring as it should for a child of his age.Show MoreRelatedMajor Depression And Its Effects On Social Involvement1565 Words   |  7 Pagesis associated with the body, emotions and thoughts (Hoeks ema and rector, 2011). In order for a person to be diagnosed with major depression, they must show at least 4 symptoms from any of the 4 categories; such as mood changes, cognitive changes, physical changes, and behavior changes; and must have experience of depression for 2 weeks. 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